I've recently upgraded to the "binder method" for my coupon organizer. I did invest a little money, maybe $25 total, but, I've gotten that back and then some, with all my savings! I'm going to show you step by step what it looks like.

For starters, I purchased this binder at Wal-Mart for about $8 in my favorite color!

It has several compartments on the front. I use this section for my pens/pencils and calculator. There is a small snap tab that's holding my keys. I don't normally keep them there, but, I wanted to show you the tab. Perhaps you can put all your store reward cards on one keyring and keep it in there. If you ever forget your card, from what I understand, stores can pull your name up using the phone number you used to sign up with.

I have two zip pouches. The first one, I use while I'm shopping for coupons I decide not to use, I'll file those later. My second pouch holds my scissors and a pencil. I have been known to stand in the store and cut a coupon! You never know!

I have a plastic folder here with a tab, it has a folder on each side. I keep my list(s) here. In the picture you'll see my free Publix grocery list card. These are available at Publix on one of those "turn around things" where the buggies are. There are usually recipes, coupon fliers and other offers there, too.

On the left side on the binder is an accordian organizer. I've added dividers and labeled each one with stores I shop at the most, then I file that store's weekly ad. The first section I keep misc. in, as well as coupons I pick up in stores to file later and other sales ad's. I always keep a clip with me, too. I've been known to just grab my coupons and run in a store when I'm in a hurry. I'll clip my coupons together. I found a pack of 3 big clips (pictured) at the $1 store.

On the right hand size is where I have all of my catagories. The catagories you use is up to you, use what works for YOU. :)

I purchased baseball card holders at Wal-Mart for around $6 for 35, they are located up front with the baseball cards. Traci and I did our binders together and she had to make a second trip to Wal-Mart when I came up with so many catagories! Right now we have 2-3 baseball card pages per section. We also have 1 sheet protector in each section for things that are too big to fit in the small slots of the baseball card holders.

This is what the sheet protector looks like with larger coupons.

In the back I have another plastic folder with a tab. The envelopes you see are labeled for different stores. At times I put my coupons in here as I go or take just an envelope in with me. 99.9% of the time I take my binder in with me because you never know when you'll come across an unadvertised sale!
*Be sure to check out My Binder Catagories post!
Happy Organizing!
Shannon, Thrifty GA Mom
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